Grade in the Philippines

Salary Grade in the Philippines

In monetary compensation systems, a salary grade is a number that identifies the position of an employee within a pay scale. In the Philippines, Salary Grades range from 1 to 33.

These grades are based on the difficulty level and range of responsibilities associated with the job. Each grade may have eight compensation steps, which workers advance through depending on their performance and duration of service.

Pay scales

Pay scales are a system of salary tiers that allow employers to pay employees based on their level, rank or status within the company, their length of service and the difficulty of their job. In the Philippines, pay scales are based on Salary Grades (SG) and are used in both the public and private sectors.

Government workers are assigned a specific pay grade, or salary tier, depending on the level of responsibility and difficulty of their job. For example, the President of the Philippines is paid SG 33, while a utility worker is paid SG 1.

The average salary for government employees in the Philippines is based on a framework called Salary Grade Table 2022 under the Salary Standardization Law 5 (SSL-5). This law increases salaries in 4 tranches every January starting 2020 until 2023.

There are several groups of people in the salary grade, and the highest group is those who have a higher SG than the next. These include the President of the Philippines, senators and those in Congress.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8
1 13,000 13,109 13,219 13,329 13,441 13,553 13,666 13,780
2 13,819 13,925 14,032 14,140 14,248 14,357 14,468 14,578
3 14,678 14,792 14,905 15,020 15,136 15,251 15,369 15,486
4 15,586 15,706 15,827 15,948 16,071 16,193 16,318 16,443
5 16,543 16,671 16,799 16,928 17,057 17,189 17,321 17,453
6 17,553 17,688 17,824 17,962 18,100 18,238 18,379 18,520
7 18,620 18,763 18,907 19,053 19,198 19,346 19,494 19,644
8 19,744 19,923 20,104 20,285 20,468 20,653 20,840 21,029
9 21,221 21,388 21,567 21,747 21,929 22,112 22,297 22,483
10 22,176 22,370 22,565 22,762 22,961 23,161 23,363 23,567
11 27,000 27,284 27,573 27,865 28,161 28,462 28,766 29,075
12 29,165 29,449 29,737 30,028 30,323 30,622 30,924 31,230
13 31,320 31,633 31,949 32,269 32,594 32,922 33,254 33,591
14 33,843 34,187 34,535 34,888 35,244 35,605 35,971 36,341
15 36,619 36,997 37,380 37,768 38,160 38,557 38,959 39,367
16 39,672 40,088 40,509 40,935 41,367 41,804 42,247 42,694
17 43,030 43,488 43,951 44,420 44,895 45,376 45,862 46,355
18 46,725 47,228 47,738 48,253 48,776 49,305 49,840 50,382
19 51,357 52,096 52,847 53,610 54,386 55,174 55,976 56,790
20 57,347 58,181 59,030 59,892 60,769 61,660 62,565 63,485
21 63,997 64,940 65,899 66,873 67,864 68,870 69,893 70,933
22 71,511 72,577 73,661 74,762 75,881 77,019 78,175 79,349
23 80,003 81,207 82,432 83,683 85,049 86,437 87,847 89,281
24 90,078 91,548 93,043 94,562 96,105 97,674 99,268 100,888
25 102,690 104,366 106,069 107,800 109,560 111,348 113,166 115,012
26 116,040 117,933 119,858 121,814 123,803 125,823 127,876 129,964
27 131,124 133,264 135,440 137,650 139,897 142,180 144,501 146,859
28 148,171 150,589 153,047 155,545 158,083 160,664 163,286 165,951
29 167,432 170,166 172,943 175,766 178,634 181,550 184,513 187,525
30 189,199 192,286 195,425 198,615 201,856 205,151 208,499 211,902
31 278,434 283,872 289,416 295,069 300,833 306,708 312,699 318,806
32 331,954 338,649 345,478 352,445 359,553 366,804 374,202 381,748
33 419,144 431,718

Moreover, state and local government workers who perform well and show dedication to their jobs may receive compensation steps that increase their pay in the current salary grade. This type of merit increase is often referred to as loanmoto review, and it can be a valuable tool for businesses to ensure that they’re offering fair pay to their employees.

If you’re an employer looking for a reliable and skilled workforce, consider hiring a team in the Philippines. Their average salaries make them an attractive option for both foreign and domestic businesses.

Aside from their low labor cost, the Philippines also offers good work conditions to outsourced employees. This helps improve their quality of life, which in turn allows you to get more value for your money.

When it comes to outsourcing, the Philippines is the fastest-growing market in the world, largely because of its high-quality talent. This, combined with the country’s lower living costs, makes it a great place to work for businesses that want to maximize their return on investment.

The salary of a BPO employee in the Philippines is usually around $500 per month. This is a significant amount of money, which can greatly improve a Filipino family’s standard of living. This average salary is more than enough to sustain the basic needs of a family, and it can even help them save for retirement.

Salary increases

Employees in the Philippines can look forward to a median 5.5% salary increase next year, up from this year’s average of 5.3%, according to Mercer. This figure is above the Asia Pacific average of 4.8%, Mercer said.

The Philippines, however, has been experiencing soaring inflation. Its inflation rate topped 6.4% in July, the fourth month it has exceeded the central bank’s 2-4% target band. Moreover, private sector employees in the country are also coping with soaring prices of basic goods and services.

A total of 1.5 million government workers are set to get higher salaries in the next few years, as President Rodrigo Duterte signed a new law to raise their pay. The Salary Standardization Law of 2019 (SSL) sets up four tranches of pay hikes every January starting 2020 until 2023.

SSL aims to increase the salaries of government workers, particularly public school teachers, nurses, doctors and other civil service personnel. It is expected to boost the morale of Filipinos in the workforce and encourage them to continue working for the government.

Despite the pay hikes, the Philippine government’s budget will still be tight. The government has to account for the accumulated debt that it incurred in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as soaring transportation and fuel costs.

But there’s good news for workers, as the new law will provide them with a 5% average salary hike. This is the fifth law that the Philippines has enacted to raise salaries of its workers.

The new law will take 4 years to fully implement, but there are many benefits that the law provides for its workers. Some of these benefits include salary increases, retirement benefits, health insurance, and other incentives.

These improvements are a welcome development for many government employees who have been living on minimal salaries for many years. This new law will allow them to be more competitive in the market and attract top talent, which is needed to strengthen the economy.

Nevertheless, the government may be hesitant to pursue further salary hikes for its employees as it is still reeling from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Finance Secretary Benjamin Diokno said that it’s possible the government will consider another round of annual salary increases for the country’s civil servants starting in 2024 as part of a study on their compensation structure. But he added that it’s important to first conduct a thorough review of the compensation system before the government can move on with any further adjustments.


If you’re a government employee in the Philippines, you’ll have to deal with an array of financial options. One of these is a salary loan. This type of loan is a short-term credit option designed to help you meet urgent needs such as medical bills, household expenses, or overdue payments on your loans and credit cards.

There are many banks in the Philippines that offer salary loans to employees of accredited companies. However, it is important to understand the terms and conditions of these types of loans before you apply for them.

When it comes to paying for a loan, you should consider your credit score when making a decision about which salary loan is right for you. Though salary loans do not necessarily damage your credit rating, it is a good idea to make sure that you pay off what you borrow within the agreed timeframe and avoid default charges.

Another benefit of salary loans is that they do not require collateral. This makes them more affordable than pawnshop loans and personal loans.

In the Philippines, a government worker’s salary is set according to his or her salary grade (SG). This SG is a numerical value that indicates the level of responsibility and difficulty associated with a job. The higher the SG, the more difficult and responsible the role is likely to be.

This type of salary grade is a great way for governments to maintain consistent levels of pay and encourage fair compensation among its employees. The SG is updated from time to time to reflect changes in economic conditions or the changing roles of different government departments.

Creating pay grades can be a complex process, as organizations need to determine how they’ll reassess and increase wages for their employees in response to inflation or shifts in the market. They can also choose to create pay grades that reflect specific job functions or groups of positions.

The best way to determine the ideal pay grades for your organization is to assess a range of jobs and their corresponding compensation. By creating a list of benchmark positions and their corresponding pay grades, you can more easily identify any gaps that need to be addressed.


Employees in the Philippines are entitled to a number of benefits. One of the most important is salary, which can help employees to afford their standard of living. The average monthly family income in the Philippines is around USD 300, which is enough to cover food and other essentials.

Salaries can also include a range of other benefits, such as health insurance and the HDMF, or housing loans. Moreover, employees are also entitled to benefits such as a 13th month pay and a holiday bonus.

The salary scale in the Philippines consists of a series of pay grades, each with a different difficulty level and scope of responsibility. The higher the salary grade, the more difficult and wider the responsibilities are.

Newly hired government employees start at Salary Step 1 and move up a step every three years based on their performance, unless they reach Step 8, which is the maximum pay increase. This is a system that ensures that each employee receives a fair salary.

Another benefit of working in the Philippines is that workers are entitled to a large number of holidays and annual vacations. This can greatly impact productivity and can even result in a decrease in absenteeism.

In addition to these, Filipino employees are also entitled to a service incentive leave (SIL) with five days of pay when they have worked for at least one year. This is an additional pay for those who have been employed for a long time and can be used for sick leaves or vacations.

SIL is usually paid out in the form of a lump sum at the end of the year, but it can also be converted to cash for use during the year. It can be a significant benefit for employees, and can be especially helpful in times of need.

In addition to salaries, workers in the Philippines are also entitled to health care through a system called PhilHealth. This is provided through a partnership between the Philippine government and private employers. The monthly contribution to this scheme is 3.5% of an employee’s basic salary.

TOP 5 Salary Grade in the Philippines March 2025
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